Deep Pond Preservation Project is taking action to help Deep Pond in several important ways. We are sharing information with local property owners, posting signs asking visitors to help protect the pond from pollutants, and educating ourselves about the pond biology. We are communicating with other local pond associations and larger organizations, such as the Association to Preserve Cape Cod, to share knowledge and identify ways to collaborate around our common concerns. We are reaching out to various Town of Falmouth departments to seek their support for our efforts.

Finally, we have formed volunteer workgroups that are focused on making a positive difference in the health and beauty of Deep Pond.

We welcome volunteers!

For information, please contact:

Taking temp of water

Water Testing

Developing a plan to routinely collect and test water samples from Deep Pond and share the results with local homeowners and visitors to the pond.
Plymouth Gentian

Plymouth Gentian, a rare shoreline plant

Identifying plants along the shore and in the water that are rare and valuable, and others that are undesirable, exotic, or invasive and that may require management.
Save the Pond Pic

Educating the public

Educating local residents by developing a campaign to help homeowners understand the nature of the problems we face in Deep Pond, focusing on human and animal activity and what we can do to ensure a healthy and beautiful pond.
Botanists Sampling 10-6

Botanists surveying the pond

Working with local organizations and the Town of Falmouth to identify runoff issues, including fertilizers and septic system waste, that are degrading the pond.